Response of Stubble Shaving Times on Ratoon Yield of Different Sugarcane Genotypes
Ratooning is common practice done in sugarcane with purpose of reducing the total cost of cultivation and early cane maturity. More than 35% of sugarcane productivity is lost due to improper attention of the farmers towards ratoons. Majority of farmers reported that the ratoonability wasn’t good when harvested in December-January. This experiment was carried out to find the appropriate ratoon shaving time with response to different varieties in sugarcane ratoon crop in the year 2018/19 at national sugarcane research project, Jitpur, Bara. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with four levels of cane genotypes as Co – 0238, CoLk – 94184, Co – 0233 and CoS – 07250 as the main plot factor while four harvesting dates as sub plot factor with three replications. Observations of a number of millable canes, single cane weight, plant height and single cane diameter were recorded, tabulated and analyzed in R-studio. Ratoon stubble shaving in the month of November had the highest number of millable canes (88079/ha) which wasn’t significantly different from the stubble shaving in the month of December, January. Likewise, highest cane yield (60.04 mt/ha), single cane weight (0.757 kg), cane diameter (2.11 cm), plant height (1.82 m) were found in early stubble shaving dates. Cane Yield and various yield parameter shows better performance in early ratoon shaving periods i.e. from November to January than late ratoon shaving dates.
Sugarcane; Yield; Stubble; Ratoon; DatesReferences
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