Folk Medicinal Plants Used by Local Herbalists in and around Rajshahi Metropolitan City, Bangladesh
Folk medicinal plants used by local herbalists in and around Rajshahi metropolitan city were recorded. The study include 111 medicinal plants used to cure various diseases such as diarrhea, diabetes, toothache, fever, worm, snake-bite, blood disease, cough, menstrual disease, wound, itches, chicken pox, constipation, dysentery, eczema, piles, sex problems, skin diseases, headache, anemia, burning sensation, bronchitis, paralysis, jaundice, asthma,etc. Finally, this study shows that traditional medicine really contributes to the health care of the population and deserves to be accompanied. The identified medicinal plants will guide future research into natural substances for the development of improved traditional medicines.
Folk medicinal plants; Herbal drug development; Rajshahi; BangladeshReferences
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