Assessment of Coffea Shade Value through Comparison of Mountainous Area with Farm Land Coverage, in Arsi Gololcha District, Oromia, Ethiopia
Coffea cultivation with shade tree is used for improving soil health, increasing coffea production, sustaining agro ecology. The study was attended in two kebele, on 36 farmers’ fields, at Gololcha district of East Arsi zone. The study was intended to assess the influence of coffea shade trees on farm lands versus mountainous area. Household interviews were used to get imperative separately, i.e. from old farmers, middle age farmers and young farmers. Significant difference value was observed between farm land and mountainous area coverage. Based on this respondents’ idea, before 25-30 years; the ‘condition of tree coverage at mountainous’ area in Arsi Gololcha district was ‘medium condition’ but not normal that means as deforestation of mountainous area have been starting before 30 years’ time; while the condition of tree coverage at farmland area also has been starting before 30 years’ time. The third respondents’ idea was interpreted with the real situation of the district, that it gave us a constructive inspiration on the role of coffea shade tree to enable the farm land to be taken as regular natural forest. The existing coffea shade trees are Cordia africana followed by Erythrina abyssinica and Acacia senegal. Farmers accounted 95% of coffea shade users and 4.6% without shade users. The respondents said that even if the rainfall intensity is increasing at farmland rather than mountainous area occasionally due to shade tree effect. On the contrary side, mountainous area exposed to deforestation since the farmers have been shifting to hilly side for their livelihood dependency.Keywords:
Farm lands versus mountainous areas; Ecological value of Coffea shade treesReferences
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