Management of Fusarium anthophilum (Pathogen of Cereals and White Yams) Using Different Measures
Fusarium species (including Fusarium anthophilum) have many insidious effects on mankind, animals, and plants. Their attack may lead to diseases or spoilage, and the production of mycotoxins. This study was conducted to find solutions to the infections by F. anthophilum. Three sub-trials (botanical, chemical and biocontrol sub-trials) were set up using completely randomized design, and each treatment was replicated thrice. The percentage inhibition of F. anthophilum in the botanicals-alone subtrial (i.e., Eucalyptus, Euphorbia, Andrographis, and Melaleuca spp.) at 50% and 100% concentrations ranged from 20% to 100%. At 72, 120, and 168 HAI (hours after inoculation), Eucalyptus (all concentrations) controlled the pathogen significantly more, followed by Melaleuca (all concentrations). All the botanicals (at both concentrations) controlled Fusarium sp. significantly more compared to the control. Based on the second sub-trial: the best synthetic fungicide+Trichoderma harzianum treatment was Mancozeb100%, and the percentage inhibition by these combined chemical+biocontrol treatments ranged from 28% to 50%. Mancozeb100%, followed by Metalaxyl+Cu(I) O 100% produced the highest inhibition. All chemical treatments were significantly different compared to the control (120 hours after inoculation). Based on the third subtrial: the best Botanical+T. harzianum treatment was Alligator pepper100% followed by Tumeric100%. The percentage inhibition of Fusarium sp. by these treatments ranged from 28% to 70%. Alligator pepper100% followed by Tumeric100%, then Tumeric50%, and Eucalyptus100% … were significantly different compared to the control. Combining different agents was effective in controlling the pathogen. However, lower percentage inhibitions were obtained. More research on integrating the control agents is being admonished.
Biocontrol; Botanicals; Fusariosis; Mycotoxins; Pesticides; Plant extracts; Trichoderma species; WiltReferences
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