ECO-Case Based Reasoning Tool for Environmental Product Design
Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is one of the artificial intelligent methodologies that is widely used in problem solving by reusing the most similar previous experiences stored in the library. A framework of ECO-CBR for Life Cycle Assessment data collection has been used and the process was carried out using SolidWorks program. The practicality of the tool has been validated using case study, which then provides solution. The output enable researchers to determine forecast error and forecast accuracy, by valuing the calculation from Total Carbon Footprint, Energy Consumption, Air Acidification, and Water Eutrophication. ECO-CBR is able to assist designers in product design. Due to the limitation of environmental impact consideration in product sustainability, there is a demand to propose a tool that can assist designers to reduce environmental impact of product design at early stage. The model works as an essential guideline to lessen repeated mistakes in the product development process and help designers measure the risks before concluding ideal decisions. Minor errors that occur through the study showed that ECO-CBR is reliable to be implemented in order to find a better solution.
CBR; Case Based Reasoning Tool; Eco-product design; Eco-design; Product sustainability; Environmental impactReferences
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