Computerized FDTD Method for Longitudinal Optical Phonon Energy on Semiconductor Hybrid Structure for High Power Devices Fabrication
The research problem in this study is the longitudinal optical phonon energy on metal/semiconductor interface for high performance semiconductor device. The research solution is to make the software model with finite difference time domain (FDTD) solution for transmission and reflection pulse between metal and semiconductor interface for carrier dynamics effects. The objective of this study is to find the quantum mechanics understanding on interface engineering for fabricating the high performance device for future semiconductor technology development. The analysis was carried out with the help of MATLAB. The quantum mechanical spatial field on metal-semiconductor stripe structure has been analyzed by FDTD techniques. This emission reveals a characteristic polar radiation distribution of electric dipoles and a wavelength independent of the structure size or the direction of emission; consequently, it is attributed to thermally generate electric dipoles resonating with the longitudinal optical phonon energy. Phonon energy occurs lattice vibration of material by the polarization of light, if the material has rigid structure reflect back the incident light. So, high reflective metal-semiconductor structure always use as photodectors devices in optical fiber communication. No lattice vibration material structure has no phonon effect, so this structure based devices can get high performance any other structure based devices. The transmission and reflection coefficient of metal-semiconductor GaN/Au layer structure compare with GaN/Ti and GaN/Pt structure. Parallel (P) and transverse (S) polarization of light incident on a metal-semiconductor nanolayer structure with IR wavelength. Efficient use of the layer by layer (LbL) method to fabricate nanofilms requires meeting certain conditions and limitations that were revealed in the course of research on model systems.
FDTD; Semiconductor structure; Computer simulation; Computer programming; MATLABReferences
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