Requirement Gathering Problems: Environmental Issues in Robot Development
This paper deals with the importance of environment consideration in developed countries while collecting the requirement from customer to make robot that would address the question “Why robots should be made more precisely according to the environment needs? “In developed countries, robots are used in manufacturing work as well as in performing the hazardous tasks such as bomb-disposal. So, there is a need to pay attention towards making the robots that can fit perfectly to some extent in environment to be utilized more efficiently. A lot of money, effort and time is spent on making the robots .But what if such a worth costing robot fails to fit in the operational environment? The best way to solve this problem is proposed in this paper which is to make the environment as a part of Requirement gathering process carrying high importance in robot making process to make the robots more Operational and suitable for the working environment .Like the other main attributes in requirement gathering process such as user requirements, system requirements and external requirements, there should be an attribute “Environmental requirements” which will automatically put emphasis on the considering also the environment as a main subject to pay heed.
Human-robot interaction; Environment; Operational; AutonomousReferences
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