Data Analytics of an Information System Based on a Markov Decision Process and a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
Data analytics of an information system is conducted based on a Markov decision process (MDP) and a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) in this paper. Data analytics over a finite planning horizon and an infinite planning horizon for a discounted MDP is performed, respectively. Value iteration (VI), policy iteration (PI), and Q-learning are utilized in the data analytics for a discounted MDP over an infinite planning horizon to evaluate the validity of the MDP model. The optimal policy to minimize the total expected cost of states of the information system is obtained based on the MDP. In the analytics for a discounted POMDP over an infinite planning horizon of the information system, the effects of various parameters on the total expected cost of the information system are studied.
Predictive modelling; Information system; MDP; POMDP; Cybersecurity; Q-learningReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Lidong Wang, Reed L. Mosher, Terril C. Falls, Patti Duett

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