A Systematic Overview of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Challenge and Research Perspectives
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) are becoming increasingly popular in marine applications due to advances in wireless and microelectronics technology. However, UWSNs present challenges in processing, energy, and memory storage due to the use of acoustic waves for communication, which results in long delays, significant power consumption, limited bandwidth, and packet loss. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the latest advancements in UWSNs, including essential services, common platforms, critical elements, and components such as localization algorithms, communication, synchronization, security, mobility, and applications. Despite significant progress, reliable and flexible solutions are needed to meet the evolving requirements of UWSNs. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for future research in the field of UWSNs by examining recent advancements, establishing a standard platform and service criteria, using a taxonomy to determine critical elements, and emphasizing important unresolved issues.
Wireless sensor networks; Ad-hoc networks; Internet of Things; Localization algorithms; Node mobility; Security mechanisms; Energy-efficient communicationReferences
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