Comparison of Websites Employing Search Engine Optimization and Live Data
This study compares websites that take live data into account using search engine optimization (SEO). A series of steps called search engine optimization can help a website rank highly in search engine results. Static websites and dynamic websites are two different types of websites. Static websites must have the necessary expertise in programming compatible with SEO. Whereas in dynamic websites, one can utilize readily available plugins/modules. The fundamental issue of all website holders is the lower level of page rank, congestion, utilization, and exposure of the website on the search engine. Here, the authors have studied the live data of four websites as the real-time data would indicate how the SEO strategy may be applied to website page rank, page difficulty removal, and brand query, etc. It is also necessary to choose relevant keywords on any website. The right keyword might assist to increase the brand query while also lowering the page difficulty both on and off the page. In order to calculate Off-page SEO, On-page SEO, and SEO Difficulty, the authors examined live data in this study and chose four well-known Indian university and institute websites for this study: www.caluniv.ac.in, www.jnu.ac.in, www.iima.ac.in, and www.iitb.ac.in. Using live data and SEO, the authors estimated the Off-page SEO, On-page SEO, and SEO Difficulty. It has been shown that the Off-page SEO of www.caluniv.ac.in is lower than that of www.jnu.ac.in, www.iima.ac.in, and www.iitb.ac.in by 9%, 7%, and 7%, respectively. On-page SEO is, in comparison, 4%, 1%, and 1% more. Every university has continued to keep up its own brand query. Additionally, www.caluniv.ac.in has slightly less SEO Difficulty compared to other websites. The final computed results have been displayed and compared.
Search engine optimization; Live data; Off-page SEO; On-page SEO; SEO DifficultyReferences
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