Similarity Intelligence: Similarity Based Reasoning, Computing, and Analytics
Similarity has been playing an important role in computer science, artificial intelligence (AI) and data science. However, similarity intelligence has been ignored in these disciplines. Similarity intelligence is a process of discovering intelligence through similarity. This article will explore similarity intelligence, similarity-based reasoning, similarity computing and analytics. More specifically, this article looks at the similarity as an intelligence and its impact on a few areas in the real world. It explores similarity intelligence accompanying experience-based intelligence, knowledge-based intelligence, and data-based intelligence to play an important role in computer science, AI, and data science. This article explores similarity-based reasoning (SBR) and proposes three similarity-based inference rules. It then examines similarity computing and analytics, and a multiagent SBR system. The main contributions of this article are: 1) Similarity intelligence is discovered from experience-based intelligence consisting of data-based intelligence and knowledge-based intelligence. 2) Similarity-based reasoning, computing and analytics can be used to create similarity intelligence. The proposed approach will facilitate research and development of similarity intelligence, similarity computing and analytics, machine learning and case-based reasoning.
Similarity intelligence; Similarity computing; Similarity analytics; Similarity-based reasoning; Big data analytics; Artificial intelligence; Intelligent agentsReferences
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