A Natural Language Generation Algorithm for Greek by Using Hole Semantics and a Systemic Grammatical Formalism
This work is about the progress of previous related work based on an experiment to improve the intelligence of robotic systems, with the aim of achieving more linguistic communication capabilities between humans and robots. In this paper, the authors attempt an algorithmic approach to natural language generation through hole semantics and by applying the OMAS-III computational model as a grammatical formalism. In the original work, a technical language is used, while in the later works, this has been replaced by a limited Greek natural language dictionary. This particular effort was made to give the evolving system the ability to ask questions as well as the authors developed an initial dialogue system using these techniques. The results show that the use of these techniques the authors apply can give us a more sophisticated dialogue system in the future.
Natural language processing; Natural language generation; Natural language understanding; Dialog system; Systemic grammar formalism; OMAS-III; HRI; Virtual assistant; Hole semanticsReferences
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