Rectangular Body-centered Cuboid Packing Lattices and Their Possible Applications
We first introduce several sphere packing ways such as simple cubic packing (SC), face-centered cubic packing (FCC), body-centered cubic packing (BCC), and rectangular body-centered cuboid packing (recBCC), where the rectangular body-centered cuboid packing means the packing method based on a rectangular cuboid whose base is square and whose height is times the length of one side of its square base such that the congruent spheres are centered at the 8 vertices and the centroid of the cuboid. The corresponding lattices are denoted as SCL, FCCL, BCCL, and recBCCL, respectively. Then we consider properties of those lattices, and show that FCCL and recBCCL are the same. Finally we point out some possible applications of the recBCC lattices.
Sphere packing; Lattices; FCC lattices; BCC lattices; DiscretizationReferences
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