Human-centered Artificial Intelligence Development


  • Zhaohao Sun

    School of Business, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Taraka Campus, Lae 411 Morobe, PNG

  • Xuehui Wei

    Confucius Institute at Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Taraka Campus, Lae 411 Morobe, PNG

Received: 16 July 2024 | Revised: 26 July 2024 | Accepted: 29 July 2024 | Published Online: 24 August 2024


Few researchers provide a wider vision of artificial feet, hands, mouths, eyes, ears, and brains. This limits our vision of them and their significant impacts on the modern Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence (AI) history.  This article presents a novel perspective on human-centered social development starting from artificial feet. After briefly reviewing AI, this article explores the age of AI and artificial feet, hands, mouths, eyes, ears, and brains. It also applies AI to artificial feet and artificial brains. The research reveals that artificial feet are one of the origins of the Industrial Revolution and a real foundation of AI. The study demonstrates that artificial feet and brains liberate our body and society, whereas from artificial brains to artificial feet is control of our body and society. This article also looks at AI's trends and challenges. The approach in this article will facilitate the research and development of big data, analytics, and intelligences.


Artificial intelligence; Cloud computing; Artificial feet; Generative AI


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How to Cite

Sun, Z., & Wei, X. (2024). Human-centered Artificial Intelligence Development. Journal of Computer Science Research, 6(4), 19–33.