The Relationship Between Job Burnout and Psychological Contract of Employee from the Perspective of Organizational Psychology
In a fast-paced career, employees are facing more and more pressure, and job burnout caused by long-term work pressure has become the main reason for many employees to leave. If the job burnout can’t be effectively resolved, it will have a great impact on personal future development and the good running of the enterprise. Starting from the perspective of organizational psychology, this study investigates 200 employees on their psychological contracts and job burnouts to discover the relationship between them that people are most concerned about at the moment, so as to propose some reasonable suggestions to improve the employee job burnout and enhance the mutual identification between employee and the company. The research results show that job burnout and psychological contract show a critically negative correlation; the stronger the psychological contract, the lower the probability of employee job burnout. In addition, the establishment of a strong psychological contract between the company and the employee can effectively reduce the employee’s job burnout, thereby ensuring the mutual benefit of the employee and the company.
Organizational psychology; Job burnout; Psychological contractReferences
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