The Effect of WeChat Usage on Upward Social Comparison in Undergraduates
To explore the status of undergraduates’ WeChat usage and upward social comparison, and analyze the relationship between the above two variables. Totally 754 WeChat undergraduates were selected through poster recruitment from 5 colleges in Guangdong Province. They were investigated with Access Frequency to Social Networking Site Scale (AFSNSS), Upward Social Comparison Subscale of Iowa-Nwtherlands Comparison Orientation Measure (INCOM-USCS). The score of overall emotional engagement(OEE) of AFSNSS and the total standard score of INCOM– USCS (TSSI-U) were (22.41±4.70) and (0±4.5), respectively. The correlation between WeChat frequency and TSSI-U was not significant. TSSI-U was significantly positively correlated with the score of OEE and other items of AFSNSS (r=0.161~0.413, P <0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that The scores of item 1,7and 8 of AFSNSS, as well as family economic status, grade ranking of academic performance (GRAP) and the purpose of WeChat use were postively correlated with TSSI-U (β=.104~.234, P<.05). Class cadre or not and origin were negatively correlated with TSSI-U (β=-.089, -.130, P<.05). Conclusion: It suggests that WeChat usage may be a related factor for undergraduates’ upward social comparison.
Undergraduates; WeChat Use; Upward Social Comparison; Related FactorReferences
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