Job Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemics and Its Psychological Consequences
The Coronavirus pandemics, or the COVID-19, came as an unwelcomed guest that did not want to leave, where people until today do not know for sure all the ways it affects people’s health and overall being. The year of 2020 will be remembered as the one in which life almost stopped. A year full of losses that continue, from losing people dear to us, to losing jobs, opportunities, and freedom in almost every sense. This paper covers the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak that it had on people, focusing on the job loss and unemployment, the healthcare opportunities and availabilities, the gender discrimination in the process of losing jobs, and the most importantly the psychological consequences people suffered from, due to isolation, inability to work and to provide.
COVID-19 pandemics; Unemployment; Mental health; Gender discrimination; Health care; Psychological consequencesReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Sefa Bulut, Aişa Buljubasıc

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