Day Time Sleepiness and Quality of Life Predicts Perceived Stress among Youth
The study examined the predictor of perceived stress among youth. The variables used in the current study were day time sleepiness, quality of life and perceived stress. The sample consists of 150 youth (81Male & 69 Female) with in the age range of 18-24 years. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHO-BRIEF), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) were used. The data were interpreted after obtaining the descriptive statistics i.e. Mean and SD, Pearson’s Product Moment correlation and step wise multiple regression analysis. The findings indicated that day time sleepiness and quality of life have a significant positive relation with perceived stress among youth. The step wise regression analysis found day time sleepiness and psychological health related quality of life are the predictors of perceived stress. Both the variable accounts for 39% of total variance in perceived stress among youth.Keywords:
Day time sleepiness; Quality of life; Perceived stressReferences
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