Stress Resilience as a Tool to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected the world in terms of their physical health but has also been a strain on our mental well-being. Individuals who have showcased the tendency to bounce back from this situation have been real survivors of this pandemic. With this background in mind, this research aimed to study the gender differences and age differences in stress resilience. The Stress Resiliency Profile by Thomas and Tymon (1992), Jr. was used for this purpose. An equal number of males and females (n=60; N=120) were evaluated for the study. To assess the age differences, the participants were divided into two age groups: 15-22 years and 22-30 years of age. There were an equal number of individuals in each group (n=60, N=120). The subjects were assessed on the three dimensions of Stress Resiliency Profile-Necessitating, Skill Recognition and Deficiency Focusing. Results indicated significant differences in the Deficiency Focusing dimension among males and females. In the age difference evaluation, significant differences were found in the Skill Recognition dimension. The findings have been discussed within the framework of previous research. The current research findings have significant implications for the study of stress and resilience.Keywords:
Pandemic; Stress resilience; Gender difference; Age differenceReferences
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