Between the Craft and the Mud: An Analysis of the Work and Health Relationship of Firefighters in the Breach of the Córrego do Feijão Dam—Brumadinho/MG
Faced with the rupture of the VALE S.A. tailings dam that hit the city of Brumadinho (MG), the article sought to better understand the organisation of work of military firefighters who participated in the search and rescue operation and the relationship between work and health present in this scenario. This is a qualitative research with a focus on the subjective production of the speeches of seven firefighters who were interviewed individually with a semi-structured script, using as a basis of analysis the ergological perspective and the productions of the psychodynamics of work. The firefighters experienced a scenario with risks of injury, contamination, and even death. In the interviews, they showed that more than twelve hours of work was responsible for sleep problems during and after the performance, as well as the food provided and the lack of time for physical exercise proved to be aggravating factors for their health. Working in the tailing’s mud combined the development of musculoskeletal problems and anxiety, due to the possibility of contamination by metals present in the mud. The work relationships show a high degree of trust and recognition between the firefighters and the affected population, which helped in the motivation and continuation of the operation until the present moment. The work in this operation that gained national prominence was responsible for the feeling of pride and for feeling more capable and prepared to act in other disasters. This research is expected to broaden the discussion about the work-health relationship of military firefighters exposed to disasters, as well as serve as a subsidy to encourage the creation of public policies focused on the health of these workers.
Brumadinho; Firefighters; Disasters; Ergology; Rescue work; Occupational healthReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Hugo Santos, Simone Oliveira, Sergio Portella

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