Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Dilemma of Untimely Recognition, Intervention and Diagnostic Scales Obtainable at Indian Sub-continent
The increasing prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder makes it as considerable issue worldwide. Recent studies addresses the hot topic of Mirror Neuronal System (MNS) confers behind the ASD. However, the cause is uncertain, Indian population prone to varied prenatal and postnatal factors of the condition. Indian parents and professional still be at the initial awareness phase of the spectrum. Years of delay in identification and intervention while comparing with world standards due to various Indian socio-economic and socio-cultural factors. Less availability of screening and diagnostic tools headed to relay on culturally irrelevant and expensive international tools. Government funded research initiatives developed ISAA, INDT-ASD, CASI and AIIMS Modified INDT-ASD as culturally relevant indigenous tools and available on practice. So far, the tools have their own advantages and limitations, requires further research and progression. Owing to scarcity of trained professionals for a wide population range, home based parent-mediated therapies be the most preferred mode of therapy. However, the therapeutic options vary with people. The study aimed to ascertain the present Indian scenario, look upon the awareness about the condition, availability of screening and diagnostic facilities, the early identification and timely intervention program. In addition, the study briefly confers the biological and clinical background of ASD.
DSM-V; Neurobiology; Genetics; M-CHAT(R/F); CARS2; PASS; Socio-cultural factorsReferences
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