Mineralogical and Petrographical Features of Southeast Anatolian Metamorphic Complex (Pütürge Metamorphics, Eastern Taurides-Türkiye)
Pütürge Metamorphics, located within the nappe zone in the Southeastern Anatolian Orogenic Belt (SAOB), crop out in large areas in the study area. Pütürge Metamorphics were examined in the Upper Metamorphic and Lower Metamorphic Unit. Lower Metamorphic Unit; It is represented by amphibolite, amphibole schist, biotite schist, granitic gneiss and augen gneises Upper Metamorphic Unit; with kyanite quartzite veins, muscovite schist, mica schist, garnet mica schist, garnet quartz mica schist, chloritoid chlorite schist and marbles. Pütürge Metamorphics start with augen gneisses at the base and are overlain by biotite schist-amphibole schist and granitic gneisses. At the top, there are kyanite quartzite veins, muscovite schist, mica schist, garnet mica schist, garnet quartz mica schist, chloritoid chlorite schist and marbles belonging to the Upper Metamorphic Unit. The main mineral assemblage of the Pütürge Metamorphics consists of quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, sericite, chlorite, garnet, tremolite actinolite, dental, chloritoid and calcite minerals in varying amounts.
Pütürge Metamorphics; Lower-Upper Metamorphic Unit; Petrography; Kyanite quartzite; Augen gneissReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Abdullah Sar, Mustafa Eren Rizeli, Mehmet Ali Ertürk

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