Evaluation of Biomass and Vegetative Propagation of Spilanthes Oleracea Jacq. (Asteraceae)
Spilanthes oleracea Jacq. is an herbaceous plant whose scientific literature attributes among others, anti-malarial and anti-bilharzia properties. These virtues justify the placing on the market of drugs based on the plant. Our study consisted on the one hand to evaluate the biomass of the plant on a soil of dune amended and on soil of unamended dune and to test its vegetative multiplication by transplanting, cuttings and layering. The results show that the growth of the species is greater on dune soil amended with an average biomass of 106.06 g compared to 71.06 g for un-amended soil plants. The transplanting of the plants and the layering were techniques that made it possible to multiply the plants. Spilanthes oleracea Jacq. can be produced using this agronomic data.
Spilanthes oleracea Jacq.; Biomass; Transplanting; Cuttings; Layering; Sand duneReferences
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