Effects of GMO Agricultural Products on Living Things
By obtaining changes on gene sequences of living things with the applied biotechnological methods; The idea of "Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)", which aims to bring the living creature in question the original gene combinations with the desired characteristics, came to life in the late twentieth century. Despite the high probability that hunger problems may increase with the increasing world population; It is thought that plant breeding with classical farming methods will be insufficient in solving these problems. With various GMO applications developed all over the world, it aims to produce solutions to these problems. With the presence of GMO, it was possible to increase the shelf life of qualitative and quantitative values of the existing foods. In addition, decreases in agricultural use of pesticides used in agricultural struggle and threatening human health with GMO production are noteworthy. However, some concerns about anomalies that may occur in living things fed GMO products remain on the agenda. Because, in the long term, there is no clear and precise information that GMO will not have negative effects on living things; There are many recorded incidents showing their negative effects.Keywords:
Genetically modified organisms; GMO agricultural products; GMO effectsReferences
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