Using IoT Innovation and Efficiency in Agriculture Monitoring System
Agriculture is undoubtedly a leading field for livelihoods in China. As the population increases, it is necessary to increase agricultural productivity. By capturing the support and the increment in production on farms, the need for freshwater used for irrigation increases too. Presently, agriculture accounts for 80% of overall water uptake in China. Unexpected overflow of water carelessly leads to waste of water. Therefore we created a programmed plant irrigation system with Arduino that mechanically supplies water to the plants and keeps it updated by transferring the message to user. Plant irrigation system employs the soil moisture sensor which controls a degree of moisture in the soil. If the humidity degree is lower, Arduino activates a pump of water to supply water to the system. The pump of water stops by design when the organism detects sufficient moisture in the ground. Each time the system is switched off or on, an electronic messaging is conveyed to the end-user through the IoT unit, informing the position of the soil moisture and the pump of water. A spray motor and the pump of water are grounded on the crane concept. Widely, this system is applicable for in small fields, gardens farms, etc. This design is entirely programmed and needed no human involvement. Furthermore, transmission of the sensor readings send through a Thing speak frequency to produce graphic elements for better inquiry. This study gathers the ideas of IoT (Internet of Things) with some engineering tools like machinery, artificial intelligence and use of sensors in an efficient way to respond current needs and extraction of resources by availing scientific methods and procedures that work on inputs. Moreover, this study further defines the engineering works that have been part of this field, but it requires more efficiency and reduction of energy as well as costs by adding more contribution of IoT in the field of agriculture engineering.
Thing Speak; Internet of Things (IoT); Sensors; Arduino and Stepper motorReferences
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