Ontogenetic Structure of Ceоnopopulations of Tulipa korolkowii Regel in Uzbekistan
Ontogenetic structure of eight coenopopulations of Tulipa korolkowii Regel were studied in Uzbekistan. Resistance mechanisms of Tulipa korolkowii coenopopulations are shown: seed and vegetative methods of self-maintenance of coenopopulations. Coenopopulations (CP) of T. korolkovii studied in normal. CP 1, 2, 6, 7,8 complete, and the rest (3, 4, 5) are incomplete, no senile individuals. Absence of old specimens in coenopopulation connected with die-off great number plants in generative period of ontogenesis.
Tulipa korolkowii; Ceonopopulations; Ontogenetic structure; Biodiversity; UzbekistanReferences
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