Uses of Different Techniques for the Production of Sustainable Soil and Food
Due to the rapid increase in population, it is estimated that the human population will increase to 9.7 billion in 2050. Hence the demand for food production will also increase. That is why there is a need to solve problems regarding food production. Major problems in food production are the shortage of land due to bad soil structure and quality of the soil. Soil erosion is one of the major issues caused by the use of different chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers that mainly used for plant growth and protection, but at the same time, they also pollute the soil. Therefore, new technology is needed for improving the soil structure, quality, fertility and its decontamination, that should be eco-friendly having no adverse effects on the environment. In this study, the role of different techniques like genetic engineering, Nanotechnologies, soil and crop management strategies, integrated pest control management strategies, sustainable remediation techniques, microbial management strategies and the different management strategies are taken into account. All these techniques aim to produce plants and microbes that are effective against plant disease management. The aim is to use nano agrochemicals and nanosensors for sensing environmental and pathogen conditions against disease management. The primary purpose is to develop disease resistance in plants and to provide balanced nutrient supplements to the soil for the improvement of soil condition and its fertility. These techniques are of economic importance owing to the use of the nano agrochemicals that have low cost, are more effective and also reduce the use of chemical substances that have an adverse effect on soil fertility. Many sustainable remediation techniques used for decontamination of soil are also discussed. The main focus of this study is to improve and increase soil fertility for enhancing the growth of the plants as well as the production of crops. Stress and degradation resistance microbes are found to be essential factors for the protection of soil from degradation or contamination in this study. All the techniques which are used in this paper have no adverse effect on the environment and are also helpful in developing stress resistance.
Sustainable soil; Food; Genetic engineering; Nanotechnology; BioremediationReferences
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