Genetic Evaluation of Starch Synthesis-Related Genes and Starch Quality Traits in Special Rice Resources
The genetic diversity of 36 rice landraces and 43 breeding materials in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China was studied by intragenic molecular markers of 26 starch synthesis-related loci. And research on quality traits such as the amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC) and alkali spreading value (ASV) to analyze genetic differences in quality traits. The results showed that the number of alleles, average gene diversity and polymorphism information content values of landraces were higher than those of breeding materials. The genetic similarity coefficient (GS) of 79 rice materials ranged from 0.392 to 1, with an average of 0.757.There were significant variations in the quality traits of rice landraces and breeding materials, and the high-quality compliance rates were low, only 6.3% of the varieties have an amylose content that reached grade 1. The results of cluster analysis and population structure analysis are generally consistent; that is, the two resource types are closely related and cannot be clustered independently. This study can provide a basis for genetic improvement of rice starch quality. Make full use of the quality genetic diversity of landraces in modern breeding work, further broaden the genetic base of rice and improve rice quality.
Genetic Diversity; Landrance; Population Structure; Rice; Starch Synthesis Related GenesReferences
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