Weed Species Composition in Paddy Field of Usur Town, Bade Local Government, Yobe State, Nigeria
Farmers are eager to know the various types of weeds in paddy fields. This will help in choosing the best weed management practice for effective weed control as well as reducing rice yield losses. The objectives of the study are to identify the weeds species affecting the rice field, to assess the composition of weeds species, to classify the weed species into different families, genera, species, common names, Hausa names, lifecycles, life forms, native/exotic species, propagation and uses, and to determine the dominant weed species. Random vegetation surveys were conducted. Weeds observed were photographed, and prepared as herbarium specimens. Standard key manuals and checklists were utilized for weed identification and later organized using the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) classification system. A total number of 72 plants species distributed within 16 families and 50 genera were inventoried. The annuals (66.67%) were the dominant weed followed by perennials (33.33%) while biennials were the least. The broad leaves were the dominant weed (44.61%) identified followed by Poaceae (27.7%) and Sedges (11.11%). Results obtained from this study could be useful in choosing the best management practice and in making a decision on the choice of herbicides and directing research towards improved weed control measures.
Rice; Dominant weeds; Exotic species; Native species; Weed classificationReferences
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